Originally Posted by mystmarimatt
I'm glad to see there are still people with compassion and understanding in the world. He should be lauded for his commendable and obviously ethical behavior.
I'll make sure to pass your lovely message to him. Where I use to work with this guy was downtown and he was a smoker, about 1 block away was a homeless shelter, free soup kitchen..etc. Our company donates thousands to these causes, and the homeless come 10-15 strong all day, everyday and sit outside our companies smoke pit and beg, plead,hassle for money. Some ask nicely, some say "give me some fucking money now!" screaming it out. Police were always called to stop this behaviour which could sometimse get aggressive.
I imagine my friend who was a bastard of a man for giving money to most of the homeless who asked nicely, but making the ones who probably choose to be homeless work a hard , hard day by anwering "what is 2+2.". My friend also takes the bus to work and home because he does not have much money himself. My friend was not some well paid coporate raider, he was the custodian. He is also asked daily for money. While at work, while going to and from work. I am sorry that you think it is harsh that he does this. I personally don't like it, but sometimes you do things just to get yourself though the day.