That does not bother me its a story and he is trying to get a different anlge, seems pretty come now. Its the effing suburban/middle/rich kids that pretend to be homeless and panhandle for money because they think its cool. Kids with there tommyH clothes and cellphones, ipods on there hips saying to me "sir can you spare some change so i can get a coffee". They probably have more money in there pocket than i do! All dress in nice clean clothes. I will give them money but I make them earn it. I ask them math questions and make them dance and shit. gives me some entertainment while I wait for the bus. I usually get told to eff off but hey if they really needed the money....
side note, my friend who is a bit of ass, but a lovely guy all the same. When he gets asked for money by people who actually could use it he asks them questions like, 4x4=?, what is the captial of canada...etc If they get the questions right he tells them there smart enough to get a job and to bugger off. But if there wrong he gives them the cash.
sorry to thread jack