3. The United States is not going to invade Norway. Or Iran. Or any other country in the next, say, ten years. Bush will be long gone before the next invasion could even conceivably occur.
The US has had the docterine of having force readiness for two minor wars in two seperate theatres at the same time.
What I'm wondering is, is it legal in the USA to advocate the assasination of a foriegn head of state? Or hell, anyone? You'd think it would be covered by "death threat" laws.
Secondly, while Pat may not speak for every right-wing christian, where is the condemntation of his speech? Shouldn't the right-wing christians who find such speech to be evil and unchristian be condemning him and distancing themselves from him? Where are the right-wing ministry leaders calling Pat a heretic, misguilded, wrong or just plain evil?
Stevo, you say "Pat doesn't speak for me, and I think we went to far in this case". How about "Pat is a hate-mongering evildoer?"
That is the standard upon which the Islamic comminity is being held to. When someone with a huge following within your religious group makes hate speech, and you do not condemn them, you support them by being part of the group that supports them, or so goes the logic...
Originally Posted by stevo
now who has the larger audience? robertson or stern? we need to know this or we will get nowhere.
How many, out of each of their audiences, consider the speaker to be spewing jokes?
I'm betting more people take Pat Robertson's advocation of assasination more seriously than Stern's boobie and potty jokes.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
So you are saying give the attention whore known as Pat Robertson attention?
No, don't give him attention. He has the eyeballs of millions of Americans right now, he has tonnes of attention. This isn't some poor insane street corner preacher that nobody listens to. This is someone at the centre of a mass media empire, one of the more prominate faces of American Christianity on the world stage.
I am not talking about giving him attention. Condemn him. Call him a heretic. Expell him from the Republican party. Say "there is a line I will not cross, and Pat Robertson represents it". Show some moral fibre.
Edit: I was rude below. I apologize. Text spoilered-out, but left (I blacked out rather than deleting).
Spoiler: Pat Roberston is powerless, no one is going to kill themselves at his bidding. I see no problem ignoring the Pat Robertson's of the world. Sometimes you give someone more power by attacking them, than by ignoring them. This concept is used by such fine organizations as the KKK and Peta.
And I'm well aware of the historical Republican southern strategy regarding the KKK and other fine southern institutions. I'm surprised anyone would show pride in it.
My apologies Ustwo. I saw "ignore the KKK", and got angry. I should not have responded like I did.