Originally Posted by pan6467
Absolutely, a manual keeps you far more involved in driving and I believe makes you a better driver because you have to pay attention moreso than with an automatic.
Agreed. I have much greater situational awareness with a manual. Might it be a personality thing? If you want to drive a manual, you're going to be the type who likes a more complicated environment by nature... maybe (talking out of my ass). Personally, I will never buy an automatic, simply because I hate driving them.
In Europe and in most other countries in the world, sticks are what EVERYONE drives, and Americans are notorious for not being able to drive a stick. I have had so many Europeans express surprise that I prefer driving a stick over an automatic. And every time I travel and someone lends me a car to drive, I'm that much more glad that I know how to drive a stick. It's a universal, except for in America. :P