40 Year Old Virgin: 8/10. With crude and blantant sexual banter, but at the same time not crossing the line of being sophomoric or trite. Steve Carrell Does a damn good job in the title role. The only minus was that it felt there were a few parts in the middle that seemed to be unecessary and detracted away abit from the story at hand. Plus, I would have liked to see Seth Rogen's character developed in more detail, as Jay and David was.
2nd best movie I've seen so far this year at the sub-par movie theater [ < work there ] [1st is Crash]
Network: 9/10 - Despite its 1976 release, this movie is prophetic of the times of television - when this movie was created, 24/7 news networks didn't even exist, nor did reality TV. Diana's call for 'reality TV' isn't far off from what will hit the airwaves in the recent future.....
A very pleasant surprise. Felt the love affair/side plot took up a bit too much of the movie, although the subplot's message was finally delivered near the end.
*next movies on the queue from the public library: <I> American history X </i> and <i> startup.com </i>
catcha back on the flipside,
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