Freedom and courtesy.
Rights and responsibilities.
There is always a tension in society between what we feel we are owed and what we feel we owe others. If there are no responsibilities, then all reduces down to the level of the single individual; if there are no rights, then all is held in thrall to the totality.
I happen to live in the USA. We have enshrined a great number of Rights into our basic documents; we have enshrined very few Responsibilities, which probably explains our constant national obsession with the Lone Man who Wanders In and Makes Everything Okay (everything from the Minute Men to Batman). We, as a culture, have pushed the notion of individual rights; we have not gone to any sort of ultimate extreme, simply because no society would so function, but we are constantly arguing the topic. In many ways I believe this is because when someone here calls for "Responsibilities" what they are really saying is "Your Rights are infringing on my Rights". **shrug**
What do we owe ourselves? What do we owe our family? What do we owe our local community? What do we owe our nation? Balancing all of these would necessarily lead to a combination of Rights and Responsibilities. Which is more important at any given moment depends on who, very specifically, you are talking to.
Take any political or social issue in this country; it could be argued from both directions easily.
"Jack! You've debauched my sloth!"