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Old 08-23-2005, 03:01 PM   #26 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by stevo
Of couse, why would I even post something from Its neo-con hogwash that spews lies. Attack the source, because you can't deny the facts.
I did deny the facts. And I even used your source to do it. Read it again.

At least freerepublic lets you know where they stand, unlike cnn, AP, MSNBC and the like.
Fox. . .

And frankly all the networks you mentioned (and the ones you didn't) went pretty damn easy on Bush. Why wasn't he grilled much harder about his motives for going to war before going to war? Whether you agree with being in Iraq or not, you have the right to be informed as to the reasons for us being there. You NEED to be informed of those reasons if you are to make a good decision as to where you stand. It is the media's job (and remember that I am a member of the media) to press for those reasons, and to press for ALL of the facts/justifications before the invasion takes place. And the media dropped the ball catastrophically. I really like how you guys paint the media as liberal even though the media let Bush get away with a TON of crap that he should at least have faced questions about.

Yet this same "liberal media" harrassed Clinton endlessly over a blowjob.

Go figure.

and "independent, grass-roots conservatism on the web" does not mean "make up lies to brainwash americans so we can take over the world for oil" as much as you may think it does.
Never said it did. But it does mean "Hey guys! We have a bias! We're not gonna present information that proves us wrong and the other side right!"

Air-tight case - no. But thats what bush's pre-emptive policy is all about. If we wait for an air-tight case against saddam (or any other terrorist) its too late, because they've struck again.
What you are proposing is quite frankly asinine. You want to give the president the power to say "well gee I THINK these guys might some day have a remote chance of doing something to us so I'm gonna go in and destroy them now." With such a flimsy justification requirement, you're giving him carte blanche to invade anywhere and any time he wants to. And might I point out that this pre-emptive policy crap is what was used with Iraq, and not only did we fail to find any evidence that they had anything they could hurt us with, but we also turned the country into a haven for terrorists who CAN hurt us. The pre-emptive policy not only did not work, it backfired tremendously. Bush couldn't have put us in any more danger if he had been working for bin Laden himself.

But please, try and refute the facts, or get host to help you find some liberal editorial that does.
I do. Please try to read (and comprehend) posts so that you recognize refutations when you see them.
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