The Wachowski brothers must die. When I first heard they were doing V, I alomst shat myself with joy. I have been a die hard fanboy of this comic for years now. Then I saw a couple of photos of the mask and costume. Holy shit, it looks good!! It's V to a tee. Dead fuckin on. Wonderful! Then I started digging around. Moore not only hit the roof when he read the script it seems, and had his name yanked from this project, but also cut ties with DC over it. Bad sign there. Then, I found some photos and a synopsis of the ending. OH MY FUCKING GOD!! They freaking DESTORYED everything that made the comic great. They took one of the single greatest works in comic history, and turned it into Vaudvill. They had a perfect script and story line in the comic, all they had to do was stick with the fucking program. I, as a die hard fan of Alan Moore and his work hear by declair Vendetta on those two movie makeing retards. Please God, someone drop Old Baily on them before they film again.
Bad spellers of the world untie!!!
I am the one you warned me of
I seem to have misplaced the bullet with your name on it, but I have a whole box addressed to occupant.