Shit guys... I hate to sound like the "One-Up-Guy", but my textbooks were waaaaaay more expensive than that.
Having said that, I have all of my textbooks from university in my office at home. I paid for them, I read them, and I still refer to them when I have a problem... It makes me feel good and smart and important to see a whole wall of textbooks that I have read and understood. I think they are worth it.
I had a "History of Economics" class that cost me well over 600 bucks FOR THAT CLASS ALONE.
But the reading list was the greatest books from the greatest minds ever. If I wanted to, I could have got that from the library, but now I have Marx, Smith, Ricardo, Keynes, and even that Russel Crowe guy (hahaha) on my shelf.
I take issue with people who throw their notes / textbooks away at the end of the semester (or for textbooks, selling them at a price where you might as well throw them away). I paid for my learning experience, I earned the grade, I want to keep that knowledge forever!
Hey, expensive textbooks beat the alternative: A lifetime of ignorance.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.