Originally Posted by willravel
 well put.
What WMDs are we referring to? I don't suppose those are the phantom weapons that the administration has admitted they can't find. Most experts knew from the get go that they woulnd't find them. You can do better than WMDs.
Ah yes, the Palestinian suicide bomber refrence. So were those Palestinian suicide bombers going to be attacking Boston? Maybe San Francisco. Certianally they would attack Talahasee (I can never spell thet right without looking it up). No? OH, thery were going to attack Israel. Well, that's certianally wrong. So how many actual suicide bombers did Sadam pay? Certianally over 100. No? Over 50 then! Nope. Can you guess how many he paid?
What Host so elequently pointed out (and has been pointing out for a long time) is that this is a planned illegal invasion covered up by lies and deception. There was no threat from Iraq to the US. None.
THe trouble with the palestinian suicide bomber reference is that no one has ever offered clear and convincing evidence (no, "well gee I'm just SURE they're bad" does not count) that Iraq was a hotbed of terrorism - - well, not one until the US came in, decimated their security, and failed to provide security of its own. Now terrorists are streaming in in droves through the swiss cheese-like border, and some Bush apologists have actually tried to point to that fact as "proof" that Saddam's Iraq supported terrorism. . .Ironic considering it was Bush himself that caused this new Iraqi terrorism.