A 7-year old mystmarimatt and his best friend.
M: "One day, I'm going to be an Astronaut!"
D: "Really? An Astronaut? Wow! That's sounds scary!"
M: "Yeah!"
D: "I'd sure miss you if you went to space."
M: "You would?"
D: "Yeah..."
M: "Well...May not an Astronaut..."
D: "Then what?"
M: "I dunno."
D: "What about a fireman? You could drive the truck! That'd be fun!"
M: "Naw. I wouldn't be good at that."
D: "Yes, you would!"
M: "Nuh uh."
D: "I know what you'll be."
M: "What?"
D: "You can be my husband!"
mystmarimatt smiles at D. D grabs his hand and they continue walking.
Words of Wisdom:
If you could really get to know someone and know that they weren't lying to you, then you would know the world was real. Because you could agree on things, you could compare notes. That must be why people get married or make Art. So they'll be able to really know something and not go insane.