Originally Posted by Martian
And finally, on topic : I always considered the word gay as an insult to be a sign of immaturity. I know in public school and high school I encountered it a lot more than I do now and even today when I heard it said those who use it are people who might be described as immature. It's an issue of ignorance more than anything else. That doesn't make it right, but just seems to be the root of the problem.
Well put. My students tend to label anything this dislike as "gay", "retarded", or "lame", invariably accompanied by "so". As in, "This test is so gay," or "Pirates are so retarded." It behooves us to help them to understand that using the first two in that way is an implicit display of bigotry. I don't put up with that in my home or my class. It's also poor usage, which it is my job to correct anyway.