Well - I go by one of my most valuable sayings in the world:
Almost everybody, Almost all the time, Is almost always wrong
There are a lot of experts out there, but the funny thing is that they are all saying the same things. Don't look at what these guys did last year and draft solely on that. Predict what you think they will do this year.
Case in point: each year the list of Top Ten RBs has 5-6 new members. The funny thing is that if you read most "experts" lists, their lists read strikingly like last year's top ten each pre-season. Use your head to figure out who is at risk to fall off the list and who might surprise and be on the list instead.
I won't give away too much more since some TFPers are in my league(s) and they are headhunting. I would think by now they would be sick of me beating their ass every year.
All truth passes through three stages:
First it is ridiculed
Second, it is violently opposed and
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.