Carbon rod better known by his full name Inanimate Carbon Rod makes his one and only appearance in the astronaut episode. First he foils homer by becoming the first inanimate object to win "worker of the week", ahead of Homer who feels he should win it due to union regulation that, and I quote: "Every employee must win worker of the week at least once regardless of gross incompetence or rank odour". In a rage Homer exclaims "INANIMATE!!! I'll show YOU INANIMATE!!!", and proceeds to stand still for several hours while the sun sets.
Mr C. Rod also makes apperance in the end of the episode where the astronauts use the vacuum of space to jettison a colony of space ants that Homer had inadverdently freed due to his quest for the biggest zero gravity potato chip. Once the astronauts blow the door Homer is sucked out and breaks the handle trying to get back in, the astronauts are pissed and threaten to kill Homer, homer then grabs Mr Rod and threatens to "bust that pretty face of his", (un)fortunately as Homer starts his backswing the rod jams the hatch and seals it shut.
As the astronauts land the spacecraft at a nearby reporters convention, they ask the astronauts what happened, Buzz Aldrin then informs the crowd that Homer was the real hero, he jury-rigged the door shut. One of the reporters exclaims that Homer is holding some sort of object, another journalist affirms that it is indeed an (the) Inanimate Carbon Rod. Mr. C. Rod then appears on the cover of time with the caption "In Rod We Trust", and gets his own tickertape parade.
Homer is not pleased.
I can read your mind... looking at you... I can read your mind...