Some people have a very thin skin when it comes to things they know to be true but don't want to believe themselves. Maybe Rob Schneider's movies make a difference to someone - maybe they brighten up someone's day so they don't kill themselves or something - but really, he's just an entertainer. In the final analysis, his movies are pretty mindless and probably contribute to a vapid culture. If he's so self-important that he can't accept that, then he's got bigger problems than having wasted a bunch of money on a full-page ad in the Times. Methinks he doth protest too much. The critic hit him where it hurt, and rather than look at himself and decide whether he enjoys being a third-rate comic, he spends his energy defending himself and attacking his critic. He's taking it personally - and in return, making his criticisms on a personal level - because he cannot make a distinction between himself and his professional ego. Sounds like the last refuge of the sadly deluded.
"If ten million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
- Anatole France