I have one:
The elusive and rare DOUBLE INSULT:
A soldier was having a problem starting a chainsaw, as we were clearing a wood obstacle. An old sergeant walked over and screamed:
"Put your fucking purse down and pull on the cord, You Nancy Faggot!!"
I thought to myself, "Wow, that is insulting to both women and homosexuals at the same time. I've never heard anything like that before!"
And to this day, I still haven't.
We (not me, the army) often use sexual orientation references to belittle someone, and I quickly stop it by asking the question: What if he is gay? Do you know how much trouble you will be in if someone hears you talk like that?
I have had the pleasure of serving with (openly) homosexual soldiers, and their sense of humour and outlook on life is inspiring. Hence, I do not use sexual or gender references as an insult.
Another funny one: I was hungover on a run, and was in the back of the pack. A female ran past us slow-pokes and yelled, "What, are your dicks slowing you guys down?"
One of my fellow slow-pokes said "That shit ain't funny." I was too busy laughing to reply.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.