Originally Posted by Charlatan
People need to get thicker skins... really. OMG!!! The waitress called me... wait for it... DIRTY!
On any given day, i would probably agree with you, but after conversations I've had in the past few days, with people telling me what I should love, what I should feel, and what i should do... I'm being contrary...
WHY should people get thicker skins? Why shouldn't other people try to be a little kinder? Wouldn't the world be a better place if it were? Was it necessary to call Joanne dirty? Clearly they know her name, it's Joanne, are there that many Joannes that come into that place that they have to distiguish between the two.
If I were to go into a restaurant and be called ugly maleficent, or crabby assed maleficent - it's be a true statement, it'd be accurate, but it's not all that nice... If I bitched about it, I'd agree that I probably would need to get a thicker skin, but it would bother me, I can't help that it bothers me... It's not necessary to use those kind of descriptors.