Yeah, the quarter-life crisis is no fun (being in your 20s, basically). I'm turning 26 next week and I have to constantly remind myself that everything I do is a choice (vanblah, good words), and that I am entirely responsible for myself. It's when I start wanting other people to take care of me that I start to feel weak and out of control. Sometimes yes, I do want my mom or dad to take care of me so that I don't have to make any decisions. But what kind of life is that, once you hit a certain age? Being a kid is great, but you're not really your own person, deserving of respect from other adults, until you buck up and start taking control of your life.
Remember that you are the one who chooses which dreams you want to go after, and that you don't need your parents to take care of you in order to do that. In fact, most parents are pretty good at getting in the way of their children seeking out their dreams, because if your parents hold all the purse strings, you have no freedom. So growing up, getting a real job, making big decisions on your own... take all these things as a sign of freedom, not as a burden. You can definitely still do everything you dreamed of doing as a child... you just have to juggle a few more things now, and that's an acquired skill that you will learn.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran