Originally Posted by Derwood
As I posted before, there is one Hispanic woman.
But I see your point. Perhaps they decided against the "token black person" formula and just picked the 16 best applicants. Or maybe they are mixing up the game in such a way that these particular people best fit? Who knows.....the black folks never make it far anyways (the man keeping them down!)
A white Hispanic woman. Hispanic designates that the language spoken in one's culture of origin is Spanish. Hispanics can be of any color, white, black, Asian. There are several thousand Japanese Hispanics living in Texas, descendants of Japanese foreign nationals kidnapped from Latin American countries and brought to internment in Texas during World War 2.
The only thing that makes an applicant one of the 16 best is that the producers choose them. This isn't a meritocracy where you can be better qualified than your neighbor by getting better grades or doing better on a test. "Best qualified" is whatever the producers decide it is. Apperantly for this season, that means white and young.
I agree tokenism is a bad idea. So why have one black guy and one black woman? Why not have three or four black people and a couple of Asians, an even mix of young, middle-aged, and old? The producers actively choose thier contestants. I'd like to see more diversity than a bunch of white 20 somethings. This coming from a white 20 something.
What I'm getting bored with is the tropical islands. Give us some variety already. Put it in a dense northern forest, or an Alaskan island, or another semi-arid plain or a desert.
Still, I'll be watching.