Originally Posted by Lasereth
It really depends on the teacher. In high school, I hated it because I had 3 bad teachers and 1 good teacher. In college, I've had like 5 bad and 1 good. So overall, I definitely hate it simply because there's a serious lack of teachers who can convey math to students very well.
I think that is pretty accurate. My highschool teachers were not too bad, but they could have done a better job explaining application. In college I didn't take pre-algebra and started with intermediate algebra. The intermediate algebra teacher was fantastic about explaining where different formulas and rules were applied in everyday life. It was hard but I got an A in his class. Next semester when I took college algebra, the teacher didn't seem to give two shits as to if anyone learned anything or not. I feel like I got an easy A in that class and didn't really learn anything new in it.
I have a feeling that the college algebra teacher was better at algebra than the intermediate one was, but the intermediate was far better at teaching it.