Las, THANK YOU! I'm glad I'm not the only one out here(there?) that thinks the 360's graphics can be accomplished by pushing the current X-Box to its limits. Hasn't anyone played Tekken 5 or God of War? That's pushing console limits.
Here's something I read in the latest issue of Game Informer: In an interview with J. Allard (everyone's favorite bald Microsoft gamer geek) he said that the 360 cannot play current-gen X-Box titles unless you have a hard drive.
So the first Halo, or any Xbox title, won't be backwords compatible if you don't have an Xbox 360 hard drive?
Yeah, it won't work. Backwords compatibility is going to require a hard drive. We've been talking a little bit about la-la land, and saying, "Maybe there's someday that [an Xbox 360] doesn't come with a hard drive." Actually, the very first one we sell is going to have a hard drive. It doesn't mean that the hard drive is always going to be attached. The owner can take it to a friend's house, and the other people [in the owner's house] can still use the 360 to play games.
Nibs is a funny word.
So here I am, above palm trees, so straight and tall...
You are, smaller getting smaller, but I still see... you.
Jimmy Eat World - Goodbye Sky Harbor