Originally posted by billclinton
I can emotionally argue both sides......
PGA golf first and foremost is entertainment...without the E value there would be no $1,000,000 payout for the Wachovia (what the hell is a Wachovia?). There is more entertainment value due to Annika than the salad days of Tiger and all of the PGA goobers like Davis Love and Fred Funk and whoever the hell else.........IF A WOMAN CAN PLAY IN A MANS LEAGUE A MAN SHOULD BE ABLE TO PLAY IN A WOMANS LEAGUE, DAMMIT!!!!!! I WOULD BE ONE HELLUVA POWER FORWARD IN THE WNBA......THERES NOT A DOUBT IN MY FEEBLE MIND THAT I WOULD LEAD THE WNBA IN SCORING, REBOUNDING, BLOCKED SHOTS, ETC. AND I'M OLD AND OVERWEIGHT........SHEEEEESH
I never thought I'd say this, but I agree with billclinton.
She needs to stay in the LPGA. I want my chance to play and make some cash in the WNBA. Then me and billclinton would rule that league together.
I don't see this as equal rights cause there's no way in hell they'd let a guy go play in the LPGA cause he would win every tournament and make as assload of cash. It's complete bullshit.