Man, I've found that there's a few things in life about being a woman that no one told me... I've had to find out the hard way.
#1- Apparently there's such a thing as
Nabothian cysts that a woman can get- quite commonly in fact. So, one day I find a little bump on my cervix, and I'm freaking out, thinking OMG STD, cancer, vagina exploding, and I freak out for two days until I see my doctor, and she's all "oh, yeah, that's totally normal." WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME THIS BEFORE??
#2- Also apparently, when you get an IUD, it's normal for it to "migrate north" a little bit, resulting in a small (but noticeable) shortening of the string. This has recently happened to me, and I was FLIPPING OUT because all I got told was "Holy crap if the string is shorter the IUD is EMBEDDED IN YOUR UTERUS!!!" So I'm freaking out, call the doctor, don't get a hold of her, have a nurse call me back three hours later to say "Well, it sounds like your IUD has migrated a little- that's totally normal." THANKS FOR FREAKING TELLING ME!!!
So, girls, are there any other little tidbits of wisdom that you have picked up about being a woman that you're like "WHY the crap didn't anyone tell me this!!!" Because there's those of us that haven't heard yet!