Originally Posted by wdevauld
having the age of attrition set at 21, doesn't help us make socially responsible adults. People (little people included) should be taught to drink responsibly; I think sailor hit it right on the head.
As always, the intentions of the law are good, but whether they actually fulfill those intentions is an entirely different matter. I was a responsible drinker when I was under 21. The law unfortunately assumes that you are a responsible drinker when you are 21 or older, for better or for worse. That is far from the truth a lot of the time. There are irresponsible 14-year-old drinkers and there are irresponsible 40-year-old drinkers. I guess the alternatives to a minimum drinking age are much worse (i.e. prohibition). Other countries seem to do fine with a 16/18 year minimum, however it would be hard to say what the effect on American culture would be if the legal age was changed.