A few things:
At the end of life, all stored endorphins (chemicals that make you feel good) are released. This is true for humans suffering from hypothermia, starving rats, antelope getting eaten on the plains of Africa, etc... There is no evolutionary benefit to this phenomenon. Those that are happy right before they die are no more likely to reproduce offspring that share this trait than those that do not.
This has nothing to do with death. During any painful interaction, your body releases these "stored endorphins" into the synaptic gap in order to lessen the pain. Hell, during sex... your body releases "stored endorphins." It has nothing to do with the death, but the pain preceeding the death. Patients who died in their sleep habe no noticable increase of neurotransmitters in the brain at the time of death. It's a defense mechanism for pain/increased pleasure -- not Divine "I want you to feel good on the way to Heaven.."
How did lightning strike some elements that somehow developed life?
This really has nothing to do with evolution at all, but the ORIGIN of life -- something we'll all admit is relatively unprovable.
How come the dinosaurs didn't build the pyramids or go to the moon?
They didn't have the cognitive, social, or economic abilities that we do? Can you imagine building a space ship big enough to hold 8 T-Rexes? That's a big fucking flight suit, too.
How come there's only one planet that is the right distance to have abundant liquid H2O?
In our Solar System? 'cuz. There's trillions of planets in the Universe who could be just as likely to be the same distance.
Sexual reproduction? isn't there a far more efficient way to reproduce?
You got me here, I dunno how or why we became sexual instead of asexual. I don't know enough about it. If there is a God, this is one thing I'm thankful for.
If science has determined that humans evolved from apes in Africa, how come humans, unlike the other great apes, have a reflex to hold our breath under water, have less hair, populated far-flung islands before we supposedly had the technology to reach them hundreds or thousands of years after they were first populated with humans, require more water intake than any other mammal, spend our vacations at the beach and buy swimming pools, have a great flood myth or legend among almost all independent civilizations, and have noses with nostrils facing downward, as if evolved for diving head first?
This is a question more suited for an anthropologist, but I believe this is natural selection as well. The homo-series that had more efficient lungs could more effectively catch fish, and therefore lived to reproduce.
If mankind came across the land-bridge in Alaska to populate America, why are these archeological finds showing up in South America from way before that should have happened? (don't want to thread-jack, just pointing out that science hasn't explained everything yet.))
Two similar organisms? You know.. like a eagle and a falcon? Those fossils in SA (as far as I know) are much older and have an entirely different bone structures than our ancestors who crossed the Bering Strait.