I ran a comic book store for just over 3 years, and saw this kind of behavior numerous times. As I've said in the past, I also worked part time as a bouncer. The men I saw engaging in this kind of behavior were asked to leave my store, and never return. If they refused, I would ask one more time, then resort to grabbing them by an ear and dragging them out. Since I had asked them twice, and was not doing lasting physical harm to them, that was legal. I never had one of them return.
We carried a large assortment of anime at our place, so the girls were pretty numerous. They knew we watched for this kind of behavior (and so did there parents, for the underage ones) and knew it was a safe place.
As to what you do to bring it on, Gilda.......you just be. Predators of this sort can sense things from the way you hold yourself, the way you move, the way you act. Little clues in your body language say 'victim'. I would personally suggest some self defense courses, even basic ones. Not only will they teach you what to do to protect yourself, they will teach you how to move, stand, and act in such a way that says you are not a victim.
Other martial artists see the opposite of this all the time. Even though I've gotten a crappy desk job and have put on almost 100 pounds in the last few years, if I walk into a dojo the sensei can tell I've been trained. It's just in how I move and hold myself.
That's the only idea I can come up with without having met you. I hope it helps...and more importantly, I hope this type of violation of you stops. Your personal space is yours, and him touching you like that is a violation, as you can see from your reaction.
Don't mind me. I'm just releasing the insanity pressure from my headvalves.