Do you think you're a Critical Thinker? Yes, I hope I am most of the time
Do you think JinnKai is a douchebag with a complex? Nope, not at all
Would you benefit from thinking more critically?I don't think anyone would benefit from thinking less criticially, or at least I can't easily picture a situation
What do YOU think Critical Thinking should mean?It means - to me - being able to look at a given situation from a variety of viewpoints and analyse exactly what the given problem at hand is, stripping away the irrelevant data
Do you see a flaw in critical thinking, beyond being labelled a "skeptic" ? No
Is "doubting everything" a realistic viewpoint for the current world? I don't think "doubting everything" is a realistic (or even good) viewpoint, but questioning the way that things work around you and taking the time to understand them better is good
Do you wish more people were Critical Thinkers?Yes, it would make life much easier
If so, what can you do to make people analyze what they're hearing, saying, and doing?You can't really force someone to be a critical thinker - many people just aren't capable (either at all or at their current mental state) to think critically about issues. As a result, I do my best to explain that I try to examine situations from a critical perspective and that my views aren't meant as an attack on them - but eventually I just give up on trying to make them think critically
Excellent article - hopefully a lot of people read it fully through and actually think about what was said.