Do you think you're a Critical Thinker?
To some degree
Do you think JinnKai is a douchebag with a complex?
Pain in the butt at times
, but a douchebag, never
Would you benefit from thinking more critically?
Thinking more wouldn't kill me...
What do YOU think Critical Thinking should mean?
I think it should mean to gather all the evidence that you can within a certain time frame (that's crucial) process that information, and make a decision based on what you have processed
Do you see a flaw in critical thinking, beyond being labelled a "skeptic" ?
I think to some degree it's a time waster... You have to pick your battles, because not all them can or should be won... sometimes you just have to agree and move on with it
Is "doubting everything" a realistic viewpoint for the current world?
it's not realistic at all because if everyhing is doubted than no resolutions will be made... I've been in enough meetings where it's nothing but wind and people talking to hear themselves talk - -I would imagine a world of critical thinking would be lik eone of those meetings
Do you wish more people were Critical Thinkers?
I wish more people would see the big picture, rather than their own l ittle world -- that'd not really critical thinking though - so nope.
If so, what can you do to make people analyze what they're hearing, saying, and doing?