Do you think you're a Critical Thinker? Of course I do
Do you think JinnKai is a douchebag with a complex?Nope
Would you benefit from thinking more critically?Of course I would
What do YOU think Critical Thinking should mean? The ability to analyse, break down, and manipulate Data....enabling one to use it efficiently
Do you see a flaw in critical thinking, beyond being labelled a "skeptic" ?Nope
Is "doubting everything" a realistic viewpoint for the current world?I would say...Doubting those things that can affect me
Do you wish more people were Critical Thinkers?Without a Doubt
If so, what can you do to make people analyze what they're hearing, saying, and doin? I no longer bother trying to get them to pay attention....those who do will benefit, those who dont are irrelevant
Damn good post the way
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha