Originally Posted by flstf
What you say has the ring of truth to it, the problem is there is no end to the list of things we do that may cause a burden to society. As I understand it, during prohibition even the Mayors and Police Chiefs of most major cities could be found in the local speakeasys. The law was disobeyed by so many citizens that they had to eventually repeal it.
The law was repealed not only because it was a bad law (as many people recognised) but also because the violators created a much larger problem than before. If everyone had followed the law but lobbied against it through the appropriate channels then people would have had to give up a pleasurable activity for a few years. Instead their disregard for the law created organized crime rings that slaughtered people right and left. This is an interesting example for you to choose because the penalties for selectively ignoring laws remain with us today, killing their children.