I was thinking about this after I posted about the thread I started in philosophy about soul mates. I don't think that you could call these people you immediately hate anti-soulmates. This is because soul mates started with Plato saying we were once all androgenous and separated through divine forces. Since we feel as if part of us is missing we are constantly searching for our other half.
Now, if you believe this theory and that there is an opposite of a soul mate, how would you explain the reason behind the hate? Just interesting things to think about.
However, I don't believe there is only one person that is right so I'd have to be very creative in my thinking of the one anti-soulmate person under Plato's assumption.
/me has something to ponder for the rest of the day
Whatever did happen to your soul?
I heard you sold it
Choose Heaven for the weather and Hell for the company