Originally Posted by daswig
Wouldn't Iran's continuing widespread support of terrorists be a valid reason to go to war with them? For that matter, the storming of the US Embassy in Tehran has never been dealt with. What more do we need than the Iranian Government's support of rallies where people chant "Death to America"? Do we need for them to actually give somebody a nuke and it be used on US soil before we deal with them?
I can't believe you just suggested that the US invade Iran because of a hostage crisis that ended in 1980. Are you really suggesting this? Is that a straw you need to grasp?
As for their support of terrorist being enough to warrant and invasion, you are correct, that would be enough cause for the current Administration.
I've said it before and I am sure I will say it again... war is never going to solve the long term problems of the Middle East having problems with the US. It sure looks good on television the US. It looks like the US is rolling up its collective sleeves and doing something.
Might as well be getting rid of a wasps nest with a stick.
The only way to solve the problem is going to be a long term solution of policing the criminals (terrorists) and diplomacy (read: education). This will, however, take decades. Unfortunately, elections happen every two years in the US and that just makes everything short term look all the more appealing to the strategists.