I've spent a lot of time studying child psych, and playground interactions is what most interest me. Bullies pick on kids that wont fight back. Passivity can be read like a book by many people. Why do they do this? Because most bullies dont have low self esteems like many people believe, but oversized ones. Their ego is bigger than their britches (as the hicks here say). People who fight back run the risk of bursting their ego bubble, and once you see a bully get his ass whooped most people no longer fear them (chain reaction, suddenly others are willing to fight back).
So does this carry over from men to women? Only in some ways.
Those boys probably have never even kissed a woman, the only interaction they get is in those comics, in which a "man" dominates the woman. In their mind all they need to get women is to be a "man" and take hold of the situation (litterally in this guys mind). You said it yourself they're scared shitless of you, they dont know how to interact, and this guy majorly screwed it up. You never said how old he was, but being 240 I figure at minimum 16, that's old enough to know it's wrong with no excuses.
What do you do next time? Nut-shot him, good and hard. You said he was 240, well he wont touch you after that. He could, dont get me wrong, but it's in a public place. Ontop of that every single witness would take your side, and ontop of that he'll know he deserved it. You have the right to go in those stores alone without feeling scared, if you feel threatened, get a can of mace... that stuff sucks (and no cop will arrest you because they assaulted you first).