Thank you for the feedback.
I'm going to be taking off to Six Flags in a few minutes, so I don't have time to respond fully right now, but I wanted to make a couple of things clear.
I obviously wasn't clear about where I was in my OP. I was at the mall in a hobby shop, one of those places that sells model kits, rockets, electronics experiments, K'Nex, collectible figurines and so forth. It just has a similar atmosphere to the comic shop, and has some of the same toys that they'd have at the comic shop.
I don't think that I invited the intrusion. My question was more along the lines of why do bullies target certain kids in school, but not others? The kids that are picked on in schools aren't inviting it, I've counseled a few of them, but the bullies always seem to target some kids but not others, and there's no pattern I can see other than those who get targeted are different. But it isn't all the kids who are different, just certain ones, without a pattern that's easy to identify.
So what I was wondering, and really it's more of a rhetorical question than one I'd expect an answer to, was why am I targeted but not Grace? Why are some women, and in Charlatan's case, some children picked out while others aren't? There must be some signal we're sending out that says we'd make a good target that others don't.
I'm against ending blackness. I believe that everyone has a right to be black, it's a choice, and I support that.
~Steven Colbert