i cant really remember all that much of it.i was 11 i think.when you look at it it was kinda young but it was with a boy in my class and i was turning 12 in a coupla months:-)
but seriously, i dont count all the other kisses as 1st ones just practise ones that helped me improve my ability so i could give the best i could to the one who really meant something.THAT, i regard as my first kiss, the kiss where you feel jolts of electricity shoot through your body, when the whole room turns and you're spinning with it.
it was at a friend of mines house when my current bf had just come back from a 21st birthday party and everyone knew we liked eachother as did we but we were both too shy.but that night was different, even though we took long to actually get a kiss in, it was perfect.the right moment and everything and the best part... him and his freind were getting ready to leave, they were just out the door and he turned back for one last kiss.....
ding ding ding ding !!!! major point scorer:-)