my roommate and i are great friends. i've known him for almost 10 years now, since my sophomore year in high school.
if we're hungry, we go out and we eat. we both are comfortable, so it's usually somewhere fairly nice, not just burger king- just as an example. we go and do lots of things. i can't imagine where anyone would get it in their head to equate two friends hanging out and doing stuff to "dating". Dating, by it's nature and purpose, is for people who don't really know each other, to build a relationship- or at least a better bond- but always in a relationship capacity (even if it's just to be fuck buddies). Hanging out with a friend isn't even anywhere near the same purpose, the same activity, or anything. It's just odd that some people's homophobia comes out in suggesting that straight men hanging out should be called "man-dating".
Ridiculous. Just ridiculous.