Originally Posted by Paq
I( would humbly suggest that the 'gleeful tone' you detect is probably bc we, the anti-war people, are finally seeing an end to this, dare i say it.."quagmire"
if indeed you do perceive a "quagmire", what about the situation leads to believe it is coming to an end?
not necessarily to Paq:
it's amazing how many people are waiting with baited breath for any sign of U.S. failure. when a person feels emboldened by a newspaper article whose only named source is someone who has authored a book called "Squandered Victory: The American Occupation and the Bungled Effort to Bring Democracy to Iraq." (a book published before the iraqi's have voted on a Constitution), it speaks volumes about what outcome they truly wish for. i really cannot understand it.
the trouble with the ideological left is that they are unable to see anyone but our President as the enemy. there are people in the world whose very core-beliefs compel them to slaughter all kaffir, the West-haters along with the rest of us... and yet all the left's energy is spent fighting a battle (and losing, i might add) against a silver-spooned rich boy from texas who they think not too bright. such people look and sound completely ridiculous to those with a bit of perspective in life.