I am an addictions counselor.... as you state your problem and without knowing you, I can offer some very generic but good advice.
There are only 2 basic drug addictions that will kill you when you come off them.... Benzodiazipines (Xanax, Librium, etc. psychotropic sedatives basically) and alcohol.
It sounds like you went through the worst part and at 24 you're lucky. Stop now. I see people who are in their 30's with livers dying, guys drinking rubbing alcohol because they lost everything to booze and have given up. Your detox sounds like it was very easy.
But be careful, your body has a tolrence to alcohol now and so if you relapse you'll find you will be starting pretty much where you left off, and I can guarantee it will be harder to detox off of next time.
Detoxing off alcohol shoots your BP to extreme heights, every organ in your body reacts very negatively and you can die very fast.
Heroin, cocaine, Meth and so on you just wish you were dead when you detox.
As for A.A. that's up to you, it's a great program and it's free.... but it doesn't work for everyone and some people feel that when A.A. doesn't work they are truly hopeless (this stigma is added by A.A. itself who preaches they are the only way to stay sober). If you find A.A. doesn't work find a clinic, and find sober friends through church, work, personals, however you need to.
At 24 and what you say you were doing, you definately sound like you meet the DSMIV criteria of alcoholism.
Now that you know and you realize what you need to do, the call is yours. It is a progressive disease and you will never get better if you continue drinking, in fact you will only get worse. At 24 doing what you do already it sounds like your body is truly more susceptible to the addiction than most.
Find help, follow through and most of all take it a day, an hour, a minute, a second at a time. Lip service is great many people quit or have an experience that get them to think and they truly want to stop but once feeling better they are drinking again and find themselves in a worse situation.
As for weed, you masked the withdrawal of alcoholism which in detox is all we do. It'll take about 3-5 days to fully detox and you will go through some serious sickness. (Although at 24, your body should be young enough to regenerate faster so the sickness may not be as severe as if you drank for 20 years.)
Be careful of your BP and go to a pharmacy or store where they have BP monitors and monitor it every 6-8 hours, make sure it's not shooting up...... it can shoot up and cause death real fast.
Also stay away from the weed and any other mind altering drug, what they will do is take you to your true addiction, alcohol..... or you may just trade addictions.
IM me if you want and I'll be glad to give you the addresses of clinics in your area that help, either with detox or counselling.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"