Originally Posted by daswig
Sure. Because you have to DRIVE to work. You never need a gun until you need one really badly, and then it's too late to go home and get it.
Ok, so park the car outside the company property.
Originally Posted by daswig
All that does is guarantee that if somebody decides to commit a crime there, the criminal is guaranteed to have an unarmed and helpless group of people to victimize. Ever wonder why "cop bars" so rarely get robbed? Hint: It may be because it's full of people with guns.
Yeah, and other stores where the clerk has a gun never gets robbed. You're right, silly me.
Originally Posted by daswig
Really? My religion says it's a sin for me to go anywhere without a gun (and yes, I'm observant). Why should I have to commit a sin to work for somebody or to live someplace?
Whatever you say daswig, whatever you say...