Yes, the transmission ratios make for high revs on the highway. To me, that means more noise and higher fuel consumption. You just feel like the car needs to shift, but it has nowhere to shift to.
I would have opted for the 6 speed manual but this is NOT available in the X. Why, I don't know.
Nevertheless, if the choice is between the X or the 6 speed, I would go for the X.
As far as the Pontiac goes. I hate GM. I hate GM with a passion. Why?
Because I used to have a Buick Park Avenue (97) which had the 3800 V-6 with the infamous plastic intake manifold that cracked and destroyed my engine at 122,000 km. GM were a complete bunch of pricks to me. Full denial mode and treated me like a fool.
I have been laying under cars since I was 8 years old and can take an engine apart blind folded. They told me that I wasn't a mechanic, blah blah blah. Finally ended up suing them in small claims court to pry some money out of them. Strangely enough the GM lawyer seemed concerned that I would not consider ever buying another GM again. (Though I do love the corvette, can't help myself there.)
And I used to be the Number 1 GM fan in the world. I would always defend them. Not any more.
Here's a link to a rant about my former GM.
(Which the infiniti dealer offered me all of $800.00 for. Something else to keep in mind when buying GM. In 8 years, it will be worthless.)