Originally Posted by timalkin
We could debate the whole "It's not my fault that I'm fat" argument forever, but you won't change my mind, and I won't change your mind.
No one brought up that argument. Your post made it sound like fat people are fat because they eat too much and don't want to make the effort to change it. That's not the case. There are many people who are fat because of their own actions, but there are just as many who are fat because of their genes. There's no debate about that, it's fact. It's just as true with skinny people...some have extremely high metabolism and some don't. It's ignorant to say that fat people can't complain because they could change themselves when skinny people can eat what they want and do absolutely nothing and never gain a single pound. Eating 500 calories a day and exercising hours and hours per week to live the life of a "normal, skinny person" that does nothing to control their weight doesn't sound like fun to me.