So, I have a girlfriend, things arent exactly going well right now and hasnt for several months.
Now, in school *culinary school* one day a girl walked in. I kinda fell in love with her that day, I made a comment shortly there after to a friend....the teacher heard of it and since that day, he makes jokes about me liking her every week.....he just doesnt say its me.....
Couple months have gone by since then, she know knows who her secret admirer is.....
I really really really like her and as it turns out, she really likes me. Long story short, we really like each other... She admitted that she really liked me since day one and that she was wishing that I was her secret admirer....we have talked several times now in the last couple days, including meeting her mom yesterday, talking very sincerely about feelings and they abound....
Couple problems, I have a gf, she has a bf. I openly told her I wasnt going to cheat on my gf and that I wasnt interested in having any kind of fling, etc etc..... She respects her bf and neither wants to cheat on their "SO"...
We really like each other though, and I am just flat out falling in love with her, and hard, I mean hard.
What the fuck do I do?
Any advice?