Originally Posted by Mondak
Well - sorry to be avoiding the TFP for so long. We had out our first kid the day after my last post and I declared a company wide holiday so I had time to dedicate around the house. I couldn't seem to justify screwing around the TFP if I wasn't even at least PRETENDING to work.
Big congratulations to the family Mondak. I've been around for a lot of new babies and seen a lot of new parents and well... to be honest, I'm amazed you got here as fast as you did. Blessings from the house of guthmund are heading your direction, sir.
guthmundI am wondering if you will make it with all this face time with Baltar? Let's face it, I know you love the charachter and the actor, but I want the fleet to know that he sold out humanity and had a direct role in the death of billions of people on Caprica and the other colonies for some pussy. I want to see him crumble and crash when he is faced with what he has done.
I'm loving it. He wasn't in this last episode so much, but the few minutes of screen time he had, you can just tell he's getting ready to crack....just frakkin' explode.
Thoughts on the episode, folks?
Personally, something about this one didn't sit right. I didn't enjoy it as much as the others even with Adama back in the CIC. I can't put my finger on it, so I'll watch it again to see if I can pin it down.
I guess we know what...5 of the 8 Hu-lon (or is that Cy-mans?) models now? Leoben (the mercenary) Six, Boomer, the reporter and now...the doctor?