Originally Posted by Stiltzkin
I love to read stuff that I write. You could say that I am my own favorite author. For example, my response to this post on the Last Human Being on Earth. After I posted it, I read it several times and edited it several times for grammatical errors (it still has errors in it, but they're excusable). I just really like reading stuff that I write.
I particularly like reading my own writing because I can always follow it very easily. And when I go back and read something that I wrote a year ago (say an old post and an essay I had to write), I can always remember what I was thinking when I wrote it. It's like taking a snapshop of my personality and imprinting it onto a paper or a string of digital bits (depending on the medium). Is anyone else like this, or am I completely insane? 
I stopped blogging a while back, but I tend to go back and read them once in a while. However depressing they may be, I could explain it the same way you did - my writing was so concise and honest that I really remember what my thoughts were when writing it.