Originally Posted by aKula
A more 'scientific' article dealing with the same findings:
I cannot be sure that humans have not contributed to the global warming (even the scientists do not agree with each other) but human activity certainly has the potential to affect the climate.
I think it would be better to be on the safe side and cut emissions anyway. Current action being taken does not have a large effect and I doubt more action will be taken. The decision on wether to act has to occur now because IF it is later discovered that we are the cause of global warming and we haven't acted it mayl be too late.
Then again, I think climate change will take place regardless (because of the no will to act or acting too late or having no power to change anything because it wasn't us in the first place etc). Hopefully nothing too catastrophic will take place and it will be a gradual change.
Thanks for the article (I tried to access that site last night and it was down), and it does give a better picture of what is going on.
You are correct that current action does not have a large effect. As expensive as the Kyoto protocol is, even in a best case 100% compliance situation it does almost nothing to change the global CO2 levels.
To cut emissions low enough to maybe matter, it would have a drastic effect on the quality of life in the western world, and unless you gave the developing world a 'pass' (which would defeat the purpose) they would have no hope of economic improvement.
To do this based on something we don't understand seems like folly.