Originally Posted by shakran
hehe. I don't really care if he hates me ![Wink](/tfp/images/smilies/wink.gif) I'm not here to be his friend. I'm here to make sure he grows up to not only not be a degenerate, but hopefully to be a productive member of society. Besides, he can hate me now. He'll thank me later ![Wink](/tfp/images/smilies/wink.gif)
Sure, worked with your kid. I'll give you an example of mine, and you can let me know what you would do in this situation and I'll suggest to my dad to give it a shot.
My sister is fourteen. She skips school, gets in trouble with the cops (got caught for arson) sleeps around with 18 year old boys, goes out late at night, won't answer her phone and so on. Right little skank who, in her deluded teenage mind, thinks that everyone secretly is insanely jealous of her and is out to get her.
Every bedroom in the house now has a lock on the door because she keeps stealing money from us. Every time you try to talk to her regarding it, she'll start shouting with her own form of an alternate reality where she's always perfect and right yet everybody else has memory issues when it comes to what happens.
As for punishment? Well, she's had her internet rights stripped, her phone confiscated, grounded multiple times, forbidden from seeing friends, more or less everything. Every time she's basically told my dad 'fuck you' and done her own thing, up to the point where he just tolerates it and she gets away with murder. Seriously, she gets pulled in by the cops and the next night she goes out with her friends. A kid like that? What do you do?
Problem all stemmed from earlier childhood. The top four oldest kids (of eight, my family is wierdly divided into two sets) were raised properly. If we did something bad, we damn well know about it because a spank hurt. Sure, we'd cry, but wouldn't stay hurt, it was always open-hand bare sorta thing. After my younger bro, though, nothing really happened. When they acted up, they were sent to their rooms and all that other pointless bullshit that doesn't do anything. The outcome? Well, refer above.
The problem with your ideals, shakran, is it's basically saying one million years of human evolution don't mean shit when it comes to raising kids, don't hurt them because then they'll live in a magical fairy world where nobody gets hurt and everyone will be happy. Newsflash: Kids fight, they hit and push in the playground, because they're kids. They'll throw sticks and sand and get into motor oil and turps and all that other shit, because they're kids. You can either give them the instant feedback that what they're doing is bad, or you can sit them down and feed them bullcrap about how what they do affects others, they'll nod their way through it and not think twice about doing it again.