My point in posting this article was to try to bring awareness to the "Fact" that global warming is indeed occuring, and focus on the detrimental effects it will create for humans on this planet. Honestly there were signs, if not proofs of this 60 yrs ago and it was ignored. These indicators have fluctuated over the decades due to the complexities of global climate but, the Data overwhelmingly suggests the heating of our atmosphere/oceans is real.
I just think it is time we accepted this as fact, in order to begin discussion on where we go from here and how to deal with what is a Major issue for our children, if not ourselves. It is likely we, as humans, have not contributed heavily to the change in Earths climate, but we are the ones who will be most damaged by it and are the only species that is capable of understanding it, let alone attempting to change with it.
The article I posted simply grabbed me because of the implications it presents, and the obvious physical changes taking place due to increased temperatures in our world.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha