I'd have gotten the chocolate milk, switched off the computer, and poured the milk over the kids head. Made him clean it up after that too. Sorry if I have to rent a carpet shampooer to clean up my kids act. That's ridiculous that any child could THINK about speaking to his parent that way. My daughter is only 5 but she knows she is not allowed to use any vulgar language or demand ANYTHING from me. My response is usually, "I can't hear you when you talk like that". She KNOWS the correct way to talk. My brother spoke harshly to my Mom not too long ago and my daughter caught onto it that it wasn't right. This mom has obviously allowed this to go on too long. Her son has become a bully in his own home. Sorry boy - you're grounded for as long as it takes you to learn to speak respectfully. Oh you're 17? Move out.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.