Agreed that this is an interesting question.
Some years ago, my sister worked the late shift at a hospital which wasn't in the best part of town. The parking lot was also fairly isolated, and quite dark. Her husband wanted her to keep one in her car, and she agreed. Somehow, a co-worker found out, and she was instructed not to do it. Which she ignored.
While I would normally support the right of an employer to dictate this condition, I have two questions:
1. Does ANYONE think a nutjob would decide not to bring a gun to work because of this rule?
2. Can this be expanded to other constitutional rights? For example, the reason picketing of businesses is allowed is that a business isn't really considered private property.
I'll come down on the side of the employer, with the proviso that the employer should also be able to kick demonstrators and picketers off the property.
They'll just have to do their thing from across the street.