Originally Posted by analog
Um.. it was mentioned at the very end, in two sentences. The entire rest of the article was scientific, not speculatory, and contained nothing but data and opinions from experts on the matter. I hardly think that's a political piece.
If your opinion is that 2 sentences at the very end of a long, scientific article makes it a "political piece", then my opinion is you're grasping at straws, looking to dismiss anything you disagree with.
Reread the article. The "humans are causing this" was all over it. It wasn't until the last that it focused on a target. It was a mix of science, speculation, and then followed by political hit.
If I have to point out where in the article they started the speculation I'll be very disapointed..
Edit:As a side note there really was almost zero science in the article, this is normal for a newspaper of course, they don't want science, science is boring, so if anyone has a link to the real paper they could share that may be useful.